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Complaints against professionals

Complaints against professionals

Complaints against health professionals are a serious matter. Members of the public may make a complaint or raise a concern to the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (Ahpra) about the conduct, health or performance of a practitioner or the health of a student.

Practitioners, employers and education providers are all mandated by law to report notifiable conduct relating to a registered practitioner or student.

Making a complaint to ASMIRT

ASMIRT cannot restrict the practice of professional through registration; that power legally resides with Ahpra.

ASMIRT can receive complaints from patients, clients, members and the general community. The Society will investigate and respond to complaints made and if required, make recommendations for change.

To make a complaint, email ASMIRT Chief Executive Officer, Sally Kincaid, at

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Australian Society of Medical
Imaging and Radiation Therapy
Suite 1040-1044 (Level 10),
1 Queens Road Melbourne
VIC 3004 Australia
Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation
Therapy acknowledges the diverse Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples of Australia as the traditional owners
of the lands upon which we and our members operate.
We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and
future, and value their continued custodianship of the lands,
waters and seas.