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Overseas assessments

Overseas assessments

Are you planning to pursue a career in Medical Radiation Sciences in Australia? This page provides you with information relating to:

  • Overseas applicants applying with overseas qualifications, wishing to practise in Australia within the disciplines of Diagnostic Radiography/Medical Imaging, Radiation Therapy, and Ultrasound (Sonography).
  • Overseas applicants who have graduated with ASMIRT accredited overseas qualifications, wishing to practise in Australia within the disciplines of Diagnostic Radiography/Medical Imaging, Radiation Therapy, and Ultrasound (Sonography).

For international graduates who have undertaken an Australian Accredited Program, please download our Skills Assessment Application.

Pre-approved courses – accredited overseas courses

Diagnostic Radiography/Medical Imaging Technology and Radiation Therapy

Diagnostic Radiography/Medical Imaging Technology and Radiation Therapy degree courses from New Zealand are currently the only pre-approved accredited overseas courses recognised by ASMIRT. Only graduates with these qualifications are eligible for accelerated assessment. There are no other pre-approved courses from any other country on this list or in these fields.

Previously successful candidates with expired skills assessments are also eligible for this pathway.

Pre-approved course application process

Graduates from pre-approved courses must apply via the ASMIRT Statement of Qualification – ASMIRT OQAP Recognised Programs 2024 form.

Applicants using this pathway must have at least one year (full-time equivalent) of clinical experience in their country of origin before applying. This experience must be within the past five years.

Pre-approved courses in Ultrasound

Graduates from Australian Sonographer Accreditation Registry (ASAR) approved courses can apply via a direct application using the ASMIRT Recognition in Ultrasound July 2024 form.

Assessment fees and timeline

The fee for this assessment is AUD$319.00 (includes GST) and payment must be included with the application. Refer to the application form for methods of payment.

Applications involving pre-approved courses should receive advice of the outcome within one month of receipt. Please ensure that all documentation is in order before sending. Unfortunately, if there is information missing, it will slow the assessment process down.

Migration assessment

We are authorised by the Australian Department of Home Affairs to assess and issue skills assessments for the following occupations:
ANZSCO Code 251211 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer
ANZSCO Code 251212 Radiation Therapist
ANZSCO Code 251214 Sonographer

The migration assessment determines whether a person has a proven level of skills and qualifications to move to Australia and practice within one of these professions.

Our Overseas Qualification Assessment Panel (OQAP) assesses applications on an individual basis.

Eligibility to migrate

To be eligible to migrate to Australia you:

Must have qualifications gained outside Australia assessed for equivalence to the Australian standard at the time of qualification. The equivalence is at undergraduate academic level plus the associated clinical work experience. Postgraduate/post qualification education and clinical experience may be taken into consideration. You must also provide evidence of meeting appropriate English language requirements, as per below.

Diagnostic Radiography/Medical Imaging Technology and Radiation Therapy

Overseas gained qualifications in imaging or radiation therapy are not immediately accepted or recognised for issue of the ASMIRT Statement of Qualification.

The Statement of Qualification and a corresponding skills assessment letter is required for eligibility to ASMIRT membership and by the Australian Department of Home Affairs for migration purposes within the skilled migration program.

A successful skills assessment outcome does not guarantee registration as a practitioner through the Australian Health Practitioner Registration Agency (Ahpra).


Ultrasound qualifications gained outside Australia are not immediately accepted and recognised for registration in Australia.

We assess Ultrasound qualifications gained outside Australia and issue a Certificate of Recognition in Ultrasound. This Certificate is required for registration with the Australasian Sonographers Accreditation Registry and by the Australian Department of Home Affairs for migration purposes in the skilled migration program.

Assessment fees

The assessment fee is $AUD 1,012.00 for applicants residing overseas and $AUD 1112.00 (inc GST) for those residing in Australia. Refer to the application form for methods of payment.

Application process

An application must be made on an Application for Assessment of Radiography/Radiation Therapy and Ultrasound Qualifications form accompanied by the appropriate documentation as requested on the form. We cannot process the application until we receive all required documentation, in the form of translated (where necessary) certified/notarised copies. Do not send original documents.

Applications sent via email will not be accepted, as the requirements stipulate that we must cite certification of original documents. Fees are non-refundable. Please review the Overseas Application Guide below guide prior to completion and submission of your application. For further information, please download the frequently asked questions document, and other documents here.

Application for Assessment of Radiography/Radiation Therapy and Ultrasound Qualification

Migration assessment outcomes

The outcome of the assessment will be one of three decisions:

(1) Unconditional Recognition
Qualifications gained outside Australia will be recognised as equivalent to the Australian standard at the time of qualification and the post qualification experience is also of an acceptable standard. A Statement of Qualification will be granted and a letter for use in the immigration process issued. In the case of Medical Ultrasound a Certificate of Recognition in Ultrasound will be granted and a letter for use in the immigration process issued.

(2) Conditional Rejection
Applicant will be recommended by the Assessment Panel to:
– Provide further documentation to support application.
– Undertake further clinical experience and then provide evidence.

(3) Rejection
Qualifications gained outside Australia do not meet the Australian standard at the time of qualification. It may be recommended the applicant needs to upgrade qualifications by successfully completing a MRPBA accredited Radiation Science program at an Australian university.

Again, the applicant will have three years from the date of the rejection letter to achieve this and supply additional documentation to support their application.

A successful overseas assessment does not guarantee membership of the ASMIRT, employment in Australia or registration as a practitioner with the Medical Radiation Practice Board of Australia.

English language requirements

Please note ALL applicants must provide appropriate evidence of their English language proficiency. To demonstrate this, ASMIRT requires evidence of one of the following: [click to expand]
  • Overall band score of not less than 7.0 in the Academic version of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test, with no individual element below 7.0, and achieved in a single test and completed within the last two years.
  • Overall minimum of level B result in the Australian Occupational English Test (OET), with no individual element below B and achieved in a single test completed within the last two years.
  • Overall band score of 65 in the Pearson Test of English (PTE), with no individual element below 65 and achieved in a single test and completed within the last two years.
  • TOEFL iBT with a minimum total score of 94 and the following minimum score in each section of the test:
  • 24 for listening,
  • 24 for reading,
  • 27 for writing, and
  • 23 for speaking.

At home/online tests are not accepted. All English language tests must be undertaken at a testing venue.

This evidence is required before the application is finalised.  More information about these language assessment methods can be found below: [click to expand]

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

Occupational English Test (OET)

Pearson Test of English (PTE)

Refer to the TOEFL website for more information

Cambridge English Advanced (CAE)

Appeal process

An applicant has the right of appeal against the findings and recommendations of OQAP. An appeal must be in writing and signed by the applicant. Emails and faxes will not be accepted. The letter must state clearly the grounds for the appeal and include supporting documentation.

The costs for the appeal process are outlined below and payment must be submitted with the appeal documentation. If the applicant is an Australian resident, Goods and Services tax (GST) is payable and is included in the fee.

Applicant resident outside Australia – AUD$289.00 (GST free)
Applicant resident (permanent or temporary) in Australia – AUD$319.00 (includes GST)

The appeal must be lodged within three months of the date of the OQAP decision.

The letter of appeal should be forwarded to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy
PO Box 16234 Collins Street West, VICTORIA 8007, Australia

The appeal is decided and resolved by the ASMIRT Board of Directors whose decision is final.

Notes for applicants

Only fully completed applications with all the required supporting documentation will be considered. Supporting documentation should be certified* copies.

*What is meant by certified copy? (Note: This may also be referred to as a notarised copy).
A certified/notarised copy of a document means a copy authorised or stamped as being a true and correct copy of the original document by a person or agency recognised by the law of your country to do so. In Australia, this includes a Justice of the Peace, Commissioner for Declarations or a person before whom a statutory declaration may be made, such as accountant, lawyer, medical doctor or police officer.

Please do not send original documents as these cannot be returned.

Letters verifying the applicant’s clinical experience from both past and present employers must be included in the application. The employers’ letters must:
• State the date range of the applicant’s employment
• State the hours of employment per week
• Indicate the full range of modalities performed during the applicant’s employment
• Indicate the time period spent by the applicant in each modality. This may be actual time spent or the proportion (expressed in percentages) each modality represented of the applicant’s role
• Be signed by the Department Chief, Head of Department, Chief or Superintendent Radiographer/Radiation Therapist or similar
• Be prepared on official, formal organisational letterhead paper

Further enquiries

Email enquiries in relation to this process should be directed to Further contact information can be found at the bottom of our home page.

Information regarding migration should be sought from the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs.

Member Benefit Spectrum.
Member Advantage program
Member Benefit CPD

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Australian Society of Medical
Imaging and Radiation Therapy
Suite 1040-1044 (Level 10),
1 Queens Road Melbourne
VIC 3004 Australia
Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation
Therapy acknowledges the diverse Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples of Australia as the traditional owners
of the lands upon which we and our members operate.
We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and
future, and value their continued custodianship of the lands,
waters and seas.