31 May 2024
As part of their ongoing coverage of ASMIRT 2024, Croakey Health Media have covered the topic of dying in three different interviews.
Firstly, they spoke with former radiation oncologist Dr Colin Dicks about his book Death Dying & Donuts which he wrote to provide death literacy to health professionals.
Dr Dicks is concerned that health professionals can be ill-equipped to have conversations about death with patients and families. He believes being death literate will make them better caregivers.
From the other side of the machine, UK radiographer Dr Rachel Harris provided her account of being a cancer patient, and the experience where she felt "scan-anxiety".
Her heart-warming and informative interview provides valuable insights to practitioners.
Meanwhile, Papua New Guinea radiographer Ruth Pape relayed the desperate state of the medical system in her home country and how university-qualified allied health professionals are scarce.
She spoke about women going back to their villages to die after after being diagnosed with breast cancer too late.
Read these stories in the Croakey Health Media article by Marie McInerney below.