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Life Membership

Awarded to retired members in recognition of the significant contribution they have made to ASMIRT at a state and national level during their professional working life.

2024 recipients: Anne Connell and Rob Davidson

Varian Award

Awarded to a radiation therapist who has made a significant contribution to the field of radiation therapy, sponsored by Varian. Nominations for 2024 are now open.
2023 recipient: Associate Professor Caroline Wright

Advanced Practitioner Accreditation

Awarded to members who have met the criteria of Advanced Practice as defined by the ASMIRT Board of Directors. Not awarded in 2024.
2023 recipient: Andrew Murphy

Nicolas Outterside Medallion

About Nicholas Outterside: Nicholas Outterside began his career in radiography in Sydney in 1926 and soon saw the need for a corporate body for the profession. During the 1940’s he did much to consolidate the work and interest of radiographers and, elected by his fellows, became the first President of the then Australasian Institute of Radiography (now the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy) on its incorporation in February 1950.

Read more about Nicolas Outterside and the condition of the Award

Through his pioneering and industrious endeavours, the Institute (now Society) was built on a firm foundation as it progressed through to a mature professional body. 

In 1981 it was suggested that a National Award be given annually in memory of Nicholas Outterside. This would be in the form of a Medallion, to be awarded at the discretion of the AIR (now ASMIRT) Board. No recipient of the Nicholas Outterside Medallion would be considered for a second award except under exceptional circumstances. e.g. for an exceptional discovery, invention, etc.

Conditions of the Award:

1. Each Branch or Sub Branch Committee may submit to the ASMIRT Board of Directors each year the name of one member, or Fellow or other worthy person who has:

a) contributed materially over many years to the service of the Society and its Members:and/or

b) by example to, and in the training of radiographers / radiation therapists, upheld, passed on and added to the tradition of radiography / radiation therapy over many years:and/or

c) been responsible for the development and publication of outstanding original technique or research in specialised or general radiography, radiation therapy:and/or

d) made remarkable achievements in or outstanding contribution to the art and science of radiography / radiation therapy.

Awarded to members who have significantly contributed to ASMIRT over many years.
2024 recipient: Michael Fuller

List of all past Nicholas Outterside Award recipients

Ian Roos Award (Not Awarded in 2024): The Radiation Oncology Alliance may award the Ian Roos Award to any consumer actively advocating for health care, particularly in radiation oncology. Eligible recipients include those participating in Board, Council, committee, or working group activities of organisations such as the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists, ASMIRT, the Australian College of Physicists, Scientists and Engineers in Medicine, and the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia.

ASMIRT Pioneers (Not awarded in 2020-2024): The relevant State Branch Committee selects the winner and notify the CEO and Convenor. The winner is typically a retired pioneer residing in the state where the ASMIRT Conference will be held.

Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences Paper and ePoster prizes: These prizes reward current financial members who fit the prize category. Judges evaluate their work throughout the conference (without input from the prize sponsors).

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Australian Society of Medical
Imaging and Radiation Therapy
Suite 1040-1044 (Level 10),
1 Queens Road Melbourne
VIC 3004 Australia
Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation
Therapy acknowledges the diverse Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander peoples of Australia as the traditional owners
of the lands upon which we and our members operate.
We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and
future, and value their continued custodianship of the lands,
waters and seas.